147 research outputs found

    Disability and Labour Force Participation in Ireland 1995-2000

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    This paper aims to analyse the effect of disability on participation in the labour force, using the Irish component of the European Community Household Panel Survey 1995-2000. A range of panel models are considered, but to allow for any unobserved influences or state dependence in labour force participation, our preferred model is a dynamic panel model. We show how the estimates of current disability are changed once we control for the effect of past disability and previous participation. We compare base estimates of disability with those controlling for unobserved heterogeneity and past participation. The results suggest that the base effect of disability is overestimated by between 40-60 per cent for men and by 5-10 per cent for women.Disability; labour force participation,static and dynamic panel models,

    Disability and Labour Force Participation in Ireland

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    The extent and nature of participation in the labour market by persons affected by disability has a multitude of direct and indirect effects on their living standards and quality of life, and so is a critical area for investigation and policy concern. This paper seeks to quantify the effects of disability on labour force participation in Ireland for the first time. Using data from the Living in Ireland Survey, 2000 and the Quarterly National Household Survey Disability Module 2002, we look at the relationship between participation and self-reported disability. The results show that those individuals reporting a severely limiting condition have a much lower probability of participation in the labour force than others, and this continues to be the case having controlled for other characteristics such as age, education and marital status. The reporting of such conditions itself may not be exogenous, however, and this is a priority for further research.

    Total Factor Productivity Growth in Hospitals in Ireland 1995-1998: A Non-Parametric Approach. ESRI working paper no. 21, n.d.

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    This paper analyses the development of productivity and efficiency in the production of hospital care in Ireland from 1995 to 1998. Using Malmquist Productivity Indices, we look at changes in efficiency over time. This approach provides information on the types of hospitals that have increased or decreased efficiency during each time frame, and the type of inefficiency involved – pure technical, scale, or technological. Our results show that on average between 1995 and 1998, both technological and efficiency changes contribute to higher levels of productivity in General and Regional hospitals, but lead to lower levels of productivity in County hospitals. However, the contribution of these components of productivity varies over time

    “Technical Efficiency of Hospitals in Ireland”. ESRI Working Paper No. 18, November 2004

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    Similar to many other European countries, the funding system for Irish hospitals is partially based on casemix, whereby resources are redistributed annually to hospitals with greater efficiency. For this reason, accurate measurement of efficiency is essential, so in this paper, we use Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis to measure technical efficiency of acute public hospitals in Ireland between 1992 and 2000. Although previous research elsewhere has used DEA extensively, the more recent panel model approach to estimating the stochastic frontier has not been employed to the same extent. The results from both methodologies will provide estimates of average efficiency in the hospital sector in Ireland, and this is the first time an application of this type has been performed on input and output data from Irish hospitals. While our output measure is not adjusted for casemix, it is useful for obtaining initial estimates of technical efficiency in Irish hospitals, and we show that our results are in the same range as those obtained recently for hospitals in Northern Ireland. We then use a measure of output adjusted with Diagnostic Related Groups weights and determine whether or not efficiency estimates are different to those found when we use the simple measure of output. Internationally, the comparison of the results of the stochastic frontier model to the DEA efficiency scores contribute to the expanding literature of comparisons between DEA and SFA applications

    Disability and Labour Force Participation in Ireland 1995-2000. ESRI Working Paper No. 11, n.d.

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    This paper aims to analyse the effect of disability on participation in the labour force, using the Irish component of the European Community Household Panel Survey 1995-2000. A range of panel models are considered, but to allow for any unobserved influences or state dependence in labour force participation, our preferred model is a dynamic panel model. We show how the estimates of current disability are changed once we control for the effect of past disability and previous participation. We compare base estimates of disability with those controlling for unobserved heterogeneity and past participation. The results suggest that the base effect of disability is overestimated by between 40-60 per cent for men and by 5-10 per cent for women

    An Econometric Analysis of Disability and Labour Force Participation in Ireland The Impact of Unobserved Heterogeneity and Measurement Error

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    This thesis provides benchmark estimates of the impact of disability on labour force participation in Ireland. Given the current focus on disability policy, this research is both necessary and timely for policymakers. In estimating the effect of disability on labour force participation, we are faced with many secondary questions and methodological problems, many of which this thesis aims to address. To this end, it contributes significantly to both national and international literature. The core questions addressed are; ‱ What is the impact of disability on participation? ‱ How significant are unobserved effects and state dependence? ‱ Is there differential measurement error in self-reported disability? ‱ What are the separate impacts of unobserved effects and measurement error in a labour force participation model? Previous research (Bound, 1991 and Lindeboom and Kerkhofs, 2002) has set out the main methodological issues involved, namely classical and differential measurement error, endogeneity from participation to disability and endogeneity via unobserved heterogeneity. This thesis uses novel methods to address all of these issues and concludes with a new estimate of the impact of disability on participation. Key results include; ‱ the base effect of disability is to reduce labour force participation by approximately 30 percentage points, (participation rates for the non-disabled is 70 per cent); ‱ unobserved heterogeneity (comprising mainly of state dependence) accounts for 50 per cent of this base estimate; ‱ the disabled/ill labour force group are twice as likely to mis-report a severely limiting disability compared to what they would report if assessed as employed; ‱ the true impact of disability is to reduce participation by about 15 percentage points. Compared to the original estimate of 26 percentage points, about half of the bias is due to unobservables, and the remaining half is a combination of differential and classical measurement error

    Inter-Industry Wage Differentials and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from European Countries

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    This study analyses the interaction between inter-industry wage differentials and the gender wage gap in six European countries using a unique harmonised matched employeremployee data set, the 1995 European Structure of Earnings Survey. Findings show the existence of significant inter-industry wage differentials in all countries for both sexes. While their structure is quite similar for men and women and across countries, their dispersion is significantly larger in countries with decentralised bargaining. Further results indicate that industry effects on the gender wage gap fluctuate sharply across European countries. In particular, our results show that combined industry effects explain 29 per cent of the gender wage gap in Ireland.

    Estimating the Economic Cost of Disability in Ireland. ESRI WP230. March 2008

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    Addressing the extra economic costs of disability seems a logical step towards alleviating elements of social exclusion for people with disabilities. This paper estimates the economic cost of disability in Ireland in terms of the additional spending needs that arise due to disability. It defines and estimates models of the private costs borne by families with individuals who have a disability in Ireland when compared to the wider population, both in general and by severity of illness. Our modelling framework is based on the standard of living approach to estimating the cost of disability. We extend on previous research by applying an ordered logit modelling approach to Living in Ireland survey data 1995-2001 to quantify the extra costs of living associated with disability in Ireland. We also derive estimates of the cost of disability for ‘pensioner’ and ‘non-pensioner’ households, as well as over time. Our findings suggest that the economic cost of disability in Ireland is large, varies by severity of disability, and across household types. Overall our findings have important implications for measures of poverty in Ireland

    Health care utilisation amongst older adults with sensory and cognitive impairments in Europe.

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    Worldwide, the high prevalence of multiple chronic conditions amongst older population has led to increased utilisation of health care and rising associated costs, becoming a major public health concern. Hearing, vision and cognitive disorders are common chronic conditions amongst older Europeans and recent studies have documented its high co-occurrence. While it has been shown separately that suffering either mental disorders or sensory (hearing and vision) impairments is associated with higher health care utilisation, the association between health care utilisation and the interaction of these conditions has received little attention in the literature. Therefore, using four waves of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), this study applies the correlated random effects method to the negative binomial and finite mixture models to analyse the extent to which the interaction of cognitive and sensory impairments is associated with health care use. We found that individuals with cognitive impairment tend to have more hospitalisations. The finite mixture approach indicates a positive association between sensory impairment and the number of hospitalisations amongst low users of health care. Additionally, our findings suggest a positive association between suffering both impairments at the same time and the number of doctor and GP visits

    A prospective cohort study measuring cost-benefit analysis of the Otago Exercise Programme in Community Dwelling Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Det er en sammenheng mellom bachelorstudentenes karakterpoeng fra videregÄende skole og resultater til eksamen i anatomi, fysiologi, biokjemi (AFB). Enkelte studenter med lavere opptakskarakterer enn landsgjennomsnittet oppnÄdde bedre eksamensresultat enn det nasjonale gjennomsnittsresultatet i AFB for 2016. Hensikten med studien var Ä undersÞke hvordan bachelorstudenter i sykepleie med lave opptakspoeng og gode eksamensresultater i AFB lÊrte og tilegnet seg emnet. Studien har et kvalitativ forskningsdesign og det ble gjennomfÞrt semistrukturerte intervju av 12 bachelorstudenter i sykepleie, som ble analysert ved hjelp av innholdsanalyse. Funnene er beskrevet ut fra tre hovedkategorier: A) Relevansen til sykepleieryrket styrker lÊring, B) tilhÞrighet har betydning for lÊring, og C) lÊring skjer i samarbeid med andre. Vi fant at studentene lÊrte AFB mer inngÄende i samhandling med andre studenter. Samlinger pÄ campus er viktig for studenters lÊring, til tross for at det er stort fokus pÄ fleksible utdanninger og digitale pedagogiske metoder. Selvstendig arbeid kombinert med lÊring i et sosialt studentfellesskap, oppgis som motivasjonsfaktorer til mÄlrettet arbeid med studiene. Studentene erfarer mestringsforventning, i et miljÞ som preges av anerkjennelse og samtidig gir opplevelse av tilhÞrighet. Studentene vektlegger studienes relevans sett i lys av det profesjonsyrket som de utdanner seg til, som en betydningsfull motivasjonsfaktor for lÊring.publishedVersio
